The key for losing fat fast is consisting of four things:
Exercising(strength training & cardio)
Get A Good Night Sleep(7to 9 hours)
Drinking Water (8 to 9 eight ounces glass of water)
I am going to show you how to use those four things to lose fat fast effectively.
Basically, when you consume calories whether it’s from food or drink normally your body does one out of two things with the calories that you intake, it will either turn them into energy which you need to maintain your body functions properly or two if those energy needs are already being met, then it will saves those calories by turning them into body fat.
The fastest way to lose fat fast is to speed up your metabolism so that your body will be able to start losing fat. This article will explain just how to do that. When your metabolism is up to speed your body will not only start losing fat but also stubborn belly fat and those love handles in the process too.
If you want to lose fat around your hip, thighs, and your mid section you have to start eating healthy foods such as: whole wheat, and low fat food. Your diet should contain all three of the main foods groups that will help you to lose fat, protein, fruits & veggies, and healthy fats with the right combination of those three will maximize your weight loss plan.
Protein is necessary because it builds and maintains your muscle tissues. It also satiates and has the highest thermic effect. You must always eat protein with each meal protein can be beef, poultry, fish, dairy…..
Veggies & Fruits will fill your stomach quickly and it is also very low in calorie. Vegetable are extremely high in fiber, water, vitamins & minerals and it helps to make you lose fat faster. Try to eat vegetables and/or fruits with every meal for example: spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, apples, oranges……
Healthy Fats, not all fat is bad fat, but bad eating habits and lack of exercise is not good for your health. Well, some fats are healthy fats and it does help with losing fat: they satiate and slow down digestion. Try eating healthy fats with each meal like: fish oil, olive oil, and mixed nuts.

In order to speed up your metabolism you are NOT going to be eating foods that will slow your metabolism down. However, to get your metabolism in full speed you are going to start eating more I mean like eating six times per day instead of three. Foods such as:
Whole wheat bread instead of white bread
Whole wheat flour instead of white flour
Artificial sweeten instead of white and brown sugar
Eat boiled, grilled or baked chicken
Steamed vegetables
Fresh fruits
Stay away from fry foods (just until you get your metabolism in full gear)
Foods that will slow down your metabolism are:
Fry chicken
Ice cream
Anything that is too high in calories will not help you to lose fat.

Exercising will help curve your appetite so that you can lose fat easily. Strength training prevents your metabolism from slowing down and this simply means losing more fat. Cardio exercises tone your body and keep it firm. Muscle building exercises will help to build and strengthen your muscle tissues and keep your body lean and healthy.
To get the best results stick to a routine exercises such as squats, dead lifts and sit-upswhich you can do for a minimum time of just 12 minutes every other day just to get started. Lifting weights will also help to build muscle tissues and tone your body.
Drinking Water
Drinking water is one of the most important ways to start losing fat effectively. People quite often think that thirst means hunger. Stop drinking sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages because they are way too high in calories. Drink at least 8 glasses of (an 8”ounce” size glass) of water each and every day otherwise you can kiss your weight loss plan good bye.
Water helps to clean your body from deadly toxins substance from your body. Your body needs a certain amount of water to function properly every day. The more water you drink the fuller you will feel and that will keep you from over eating. Water also helps to prevent constipation among other things.
Getting Enough Sleep
Many people don’t know it but getting enough sleep is vital in losing fat. Why? Because your body needs three things in which to function properly and keep in good health: food, water, and rest. Recent studies have proved that lack of sleep can lead to obesity and diabetes not to mention other ailments.
Plus fatigue generates the same kind of food desires as hunger does- when you are tired chances are you are more likely to pig outbut with a good night sleep you will be able to lose more weight. You are going to need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep let’s say you only get 6 hours last night that simply means you will have to take a nap during the day to make it up for the hours you missing out the night before.
Examples Of A Fat Loss Diet
Don't waste your time counting calories: you won't get fat eating unprocessed foods. Just eat the right combination of the three main foods and you should be alright. Preparing your own food so you have total control over the ingredients and how your food is being cooked. Aim for at least 2-3% fat loss per month. Below are some examples of a fat loss meal for breakfast lunch and dinner.
- Breakfast: eggs whites only (because the yoke contains too much calories) with tomato & bell peppers, orange, green tea
- Snack: cottage cheese with apple or any other fruits
- Lunch: chicken, bok choy, tomato, chicory, olive oil
- Snack: mixed nuts (cashews preferred)
- Post workout: ground round, brown rice, mixed veggies, banana
- Dinner: chicken, spinach, baby carrots, pear, avocados
- Pre-bed snack: cottage cheese, berries, ground flax seeds, fish oil popcorn or strawberry smoothie.
Strategies You Can Use To Apply What You Just Learn Above
Okay you now know what to do, you need to maximize your fat loss tips you just learn from above. Following these strategies, will even help you more along your way to lose fat.
- Buy Only Healthy Foods. Buy enough supply of healthy foods that will last for the entire week. Avoid temptations of fast food restaurants.
- Cook And Prepare Your Own Foods. Cook enough food to last for two days that means you will only worm it up when you are ready to eat again.
- Marinate Your Food From Over Night. It will speed up preparation process and it helps to keep the flavor in so your food tastes good.
- Eating at Fixed Times. Eating every 2-3 hours will keep your body out of fat storing mode and keep it in fat burning mode.
- Have Something To Snack On. Take a snack to work, school, movies, etc. This will ensures that you'll have something to eat every 2 to 3 hour and also that will have only the foods that will need to lose fat.
- You Are Allowed To Eat Junk Food Once Per Week. You can only eat junk meal once per week as long as you don’t overdo it. This actually helps fat loss. When you eat the foods that you love you will be able to stick to your plan to lose fat.
- For Motivation Tracking Progress. Pictures, body fat, measurements and strength gains. Aim for 2-3% fat loss/month (use a fat caliper). read more here.
lets go over the things you have learned in this ARTICLE: You learn how your metabolism work, how important water is to lose weight, that you have to do three types of exercisein order to lose weight, you learn that you need the right combination of the three main food groups to lose weight, and last but not least you learn that STARVINGyourself won’t let you lose weight.
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