are many ways in which you can do to keep fit. If you’re a newbie to exercise
then this article is for you. Keeping fit simply means exercising 20 or 30
minutes on a daily basis, you can take a break every now and then but no more
than two days. However, once you get use to exercising every day it will become
a daily routine.
I always
try to sneak in a few extra movements to keep fit during the day. After all,
your muscles can’t tell whether you’re in a fancy gym or in your living room
trying to keep fit as long as they’re being worked they’ll stay toned!
fit requires that you do some form of daily exercises or whenever you have the
time in your living room, in the gym, while you comb your hair, or even while you're
sitting around your computer. Just try keeping the oxygen flowing, expanding
and toning your muscles. To keep fit means you have to keep your metabolism at
high speed all through the day. I heard that you can burn up to 500 calories each
day just by fidgeting?
It’s true! I call it tiny movements (fidget-cizes). However, it only takes one
minute or even less and I realized that they really do work! Fidget-cizes can’t
be replaced for your regular exercises, but to keep fit on a hectic lifestyle, you
may have to use them in a way of squeezing in a few extra movements along the
day. I have listed a few keep fit fidgets exercises below why don’t
you give them a try!
Squeezing: You can do this while standing in
the elevator, going down the steps in your favorite store, or when you're
waiting for the train to come. No one will notice and by the way it's very
effective too!
the legs: Try doing some leg lifting while
you watching your favorite TV programs or you can do squats while you comb your
hair before bed.
some extra steps: Sneak in some extra walking exercising
whenever or where ever you can. You can do this by parking your car few blocks away
from the store instead of in the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the
elevator at your work place, or walk around the mall a couple of times before
going into the store because every step counts!
squeezing: When you're relaxing and reading a
book, take in a deep breath and hold in your tummy for a moment then release it
through your mouth. You can try lying on the floor, on the carpet or on a
blanket and do some crunches. You don’t have to do a hundred just a few will
Couchpushups: By sitting at the edge of the couch,
placing your hands down on either side of you. With your knees bent keeping
your feet together, lift your body off the couch, bend your elbows behind you, and
then lower your body toward the floor. You can practice this while you’re
watching TV or listening to the radio. You’ll be surprise to see how many
calories you burn off within a week!
it out: You don’t need to do vigorous
exercises to keep fit stretching your limbs seams to heal the tension that can
build up around the neck and shoulder areas.
And it also helps those tense muscles to relax while it counteracts any
tightness of your poor posture and/or your tired muscles to keep fit. Turn your
neck anti-clock wise slowly to the left then slowly to the right do this every
two to three hours.
fit while you clean: It is a fact that you can also burn
over 400 calories a day by doing your house hold chores. Just by carrying
laundry from one place to another, vacuuming, even making your bed, or dusting.
These are some of the little things that we do every day without realizing that
we are actually exercising and didn’t know
that it’s a form of exercising. Besides it’s not a matter of finding time to do
these tasks because it’s something we all do anyway, so you might as well listen
to some music while working and consider it as exercising!
will be a great exercise routine to practice every day while doing your house
chores. As long as you stay active you’ll keep fit!