
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Best Way To Control Your Weight

Maintaining a healthy diet and keeping the weight off forever is not that easy as it sounds but it can be done. By staying away from all the foods that will only make you gain weight is very important…Here is a list of foods to avoid when trying to maintain your weight loss goal.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol                                              
Controlling you weight is important although, drinking alcohol beverages can contribute to weight gaining, but it doesn’t cause you to gain weight when you use it to cook. It gives off a very nice aroma when it infused with the sauce and not to mention wines tenderizing capabilities and the way it enhances the tastes make the food even more delicious. Cooking with wine can really add the most profound flavor to an otherwise ho-hum dish.

Hydrolyzed What??

Remember, controlling your weight only depends on what you eat and drink. Have you ever sat down and read all the ingredients labels of the foods that you bought at the store? Besides all the unpronounceable, you can pretty much count on processes foods being riddled with unwanted salt and fat. Whenever possible, stick to fresh, natural foods, but when you can’t put you “label detective” hat on and find the best options to keep your metabolism firing away if you want to control .

  • However, the key to success to weight loss is eating the right combination of foods at the right times and in the right amounts. 
  • Part of this procedure will involve measuring your potion.
  • Proteins are to be weighed on a scale or measured using the palm of your hand.
  • Slow Carbs and Fast Carbs are generally measured in cups.
  • Meats shrink with cooking and Grains expand, so you’ll want to measure both after they’re prepared.
  • Fruits tend to collapse with cooking and their natural sugars condense, so you’ll have to measure those foods before using them in a recipe.
In some cases you can control your weight if your finished product contains both protein and carbohydrates such as soups or stews, I suggest using the following method in order to determining your portion size. Using a slotted spoon to drain any gravy or juices, measure out the weigh the equivalent of your protein serving and place that food in your serving bowl.

Using the same spoon, measure out your carbohydrate serving in a measuring cup and add that portion to your serving bowl. Add back in however much sauce you prefer and you’re ready to tuck into your freshly made fat loss plate. Now you are ready to choose your recipe and start shedding those extra pounds and to take control of your weight forever.



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    1. Thanks for your feedback I really glad you stop by.
